Torlon® engineering polymers have been tested successfully against many industry standards and specifications. The following is a partial list of approvals from different agencies:

Underwriters Laboratories

Underwriters Laboratories(UL)

  • 94 V-O classification
  • Passes vertical flammability requirements

Federal Aviation Adminstration (FAA)

  • Passes requirements for flammability, smoke density, and toxic gas emissions

Military Specifications

  • MIL-P-46179A: Plastic Molding and Extrusion Materials, Polyamide-imide (PAI)
    • Covers PAI thermoplastic materials intended for use up to 500°F

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

  • NHB8060.1-“Flammability, Odor, and Off-gassing Requirements and Test Procedures for Materials in Environments that Support Combustion.”
    • Torlon® has passed NASA spacecraft materials requirements for non-vacuum exposures

Society of Automotive Engineers(SAE)--Aerospace Materials Specifications (AMS)

  • AMS 3670—Torlon® has passed specification for applications requiring a low coefficient of friction, thermal stability, and toughness up to 482°F.

Torlon® OEM Standards

Marketing Masters is the manufacturer and supplier of these OEM Aircraft Product Standards for clip nuts:


For strong, non-corrosive & lightweight Torlon® composite clip nuts, and inserts, Contact us OR Request a Quote today.

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